Saturday, May 25, 2013

Holy long time no see Batman! I had no idea that it has been two years since I've posted something on this blog. That's insane! 

For anyone out there who might still care, Someone Like You is complete. I am awaiting the finishing touches from my lovely beta and then the story will begin posting once again. 

I could give you all the reasons that SLY has been on an unofficial hiatus. Unfortunately, I have done a lot of soul searching over the last year and have found that I'm not in a place to make platitudes and excuses. Regardless of the validity of what I could tell you all, it would still come off as an excuse. So, I will simply apologize for being such an absent author and say that the hiatus will be lifted soon. I will also thank any of you from the bottom of my heart who are still out there and care to finish reading the story. 

So, with that being said, I'm hoping to begin posting SLY again within the next few weeks. I can't say what my next project will be at this point. We'll just have to wait and see what strikes. 

Until next time ...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hiya! So I'm working my way through chapter 4 of Someone like's been a bit of a struggle. I'm walking a fine line with some of the plot line and trying to move the story into an area where things can fall in to place for the main characters to meet. It's a bit difficult at times to get them to talk to me and do what I want. Yes, I know they're fictional but they are very real inside my head. They don't always agree with what I want them to do.....Hopefully, I'll have this chapter finished today and off to Master Yoda. I'm sure that she'll rip it up, she usually does and I'm glad. I need someone to help make what I'm writing make sense and lord knows my grammar sucks.
I'm actually very excited for this story to get under way. I hope people will enjoy it, it's a bit different from what I've done with the other two stories so I'm a little nervous at the same time. We'll see.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

I participate/volunteer with an amazing group called The Fictionista Workshop. They are truly an unbelievable community dedicated to encouraging and improving the world of writing for women. So occasionally I will post my responses to prompts that are sent out daily from The Fictionista lovelies. Today's prompt was as follows:

“Is it the end? Or the beginning?” he asked tentatively.

Taking a deep breath, Anna blew it out slowly. She wasn’t sure how to answer that question. It felt like an ending but the end of what? The end of their marriage? Or was it the end of her punishing them both for a mistake he made years ago? Maybe it was the beginning? But that only led to asking herself, the beginning of what?

Was it the beginning of starting over? Of moving on, stepping beyond the living, breathing reminder that he had once been unfaithful? Or was it the beginning of her life without him?

She held all of those answers in her heart but she just wasn’t sure which was the right one.

“Anna,” his voice cracked on the one syllable sigh. Anna felt him come to stand behind her, felt the warmth of his body though he didn’t touch her. Part of her was glad he didn’t because she wasn’t sure that she wouldn’t shatter in a million pieces when he did but the other part, the part that loved him regardless of his indiscretion ached because he was unsure if he should touch her. “Please, talk to me.”

Blake Randall was the love of her life. She didn’t how to function without him in her life, didn’t know how to breathe.

Anna turned to stare up into the deep blue of her husbands eyes and behind all the pain, all the regret she still saw the man he had always been. Anna could see the man she still loved. At that moment she had her answer.

“It’s the beginning, Blake.”


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

So after an enormous amount of discussion back and forth between myself and the ever suffering Jessica, because lord knows I have put the woman through the ringer trying to nail down the details on this fic, Someone like you is finally under way. Thank goodness.

I have worked through and completed a prologue as well as the first chapter. My plan is to have a few chapters, at least five to seven, in the can before I post the prologue. I also hope to keep up a one a week posting schedule. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this will happen. As we all know Real Life sometimes, actually more often than not, gets in the way of the creative process but these are my plans.

I hope everyone has had a peaceful and joyous holiday season. I will be traveling during the ringing in of the New Year so I will send out my wishes for you all to be safe with whatever your plans for celebrating might be.


Friday, December 17, 2010

I will begin trying to post a few "teasers" and images that pertain to Someone Like You, here over the next few weeks.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

So I'm working on a new story idea and I've been fumbling through the outline for quite sometime. The title will be 'Someone like you' . The little pic over to the right there...well that's serving for a little inspiration for my male character. That whole brooding, stand-offish thing? Yeah, Mr. Pattinson seems to have that nailed.

I hope that once the story begins to post it will be interesting and enjoyable. The main characters come from similar yet very different backgrounds and I hope that the way in which their lives eventually intertwine will make for a sweet, yet thrilling ride through their finding one another and discovering to trust not only one another but themselves.

I'm debating the idea of beginning to post the stories I have written - and will in the future write- here on this blog....that's still up in the air. I would like to maybe at some point work on an original fiction piece. I don't want to step away from the Twilight fandom, I don't mean that at all, but I believe that everyone who writes wants to see if they could do something original and have people enjoy it. Don't you agree? I have been blessed with the knowledge that at least for some they enjoy what I've put out into this cyber universe we have created. At some point in my future I would like to know that that could transfer into something else, to know that it's not just our mutual love for the Twilight characters that make the stories I tell enjoyable. A part of me wants to believe that I could really do something original and have it be appreciated.

Someday.....for now its just a wishful musing, an attempt to put my heartfelt desire into words in the hope that karma would bring it back to me somewhere in my future.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wow I think I will need to dust off the cobwebs here since it's been MONTHS since I've posted anything. So very many things have occurred since my last post. MMB, my first fic, completed. Thank you to all of you wonderful people who read, reviewed and sent encouragement and love to me through that story. I started and have completed, or at least the last chapter has posted, another fic. I'm currently working through the second epilogue and a few outtakes for that fic, Need You Now. That story has been a complete and total labor of love. It's been cathartic for a myriad of reasons. Those of you who have read the story know that I based the story on many aspects of my own life and how we have dealt with my daughter's illness.
I am working through another storyline and laying the groundwork for that fic. I am also working with the Fictionista Workshop ladies and I just have to tell ya that has been an amazing experience. The great group of women I am working with currently are absolutely outstanding.
I plan on taking a bit of a break once NYN completes totally. I'll keep writing but won't be posting until sometime early next year. I would like to write much of the new story before I begin posting anything but I will be posting again.
So not that this was a lot or anything new if you've been reading NYN but I felt that I needed to at least visit since it's been so very long.
