Saturday, May 25, 2013

Holy long time no see Batman! I had no idea that it has been two years since I've posted something on this blog. That's insane! 

For anyone out there who might still care, Someone Like You is complete. I am awaiting the finishing touches from my lovely beta and then the story will begin posting once again. 

I could give you all the reasons that SLY has been on an unofficial hiatus. Unfortunately, I have done a lot of soul searching over the last year and have found that I'm not in a place to make platitudes and excuses. Regardless of the validity of what I could tell you all, it would still come off as an excuse. So, I will simply apologize for being such an absent author and say that the hiatus will be lifted soon. I will also thank any of you from the bottom of my heart who are still out there and care to finish reading the story. 

So, with that being said, I'm hoping to begin posting SLY again within the next few weeks. I can't say what my next project will be at this point. We'll just have to wait and see what strikes. 

Until next time ...